HISTORY: Tatiana D. Popova


Tatiana D. Popova was born in Kirovograd town, in Ukraine on 15 September 1930. In 1955 she graduated from the Kiev Medical University and since 1956 has started her practice, first as a surgeon and then as a homeopath, following to her father. As a result to her enthusiasm and enormous energy she became Chief Doctor (1987-1989) of the first pay-your-way homeopathic clinic in Ukraine and then Chief Doctor (1989-1995) of Homeopathic Center of the Ukrainian Public Health Department). Tatiana Popova is a permanent organizer of National Congresses in Ukraine and a participant of International Congresses. In 1989 she was awarded to the honorable title “Honoured Doctor tat_dem1_08of Ukraine”. Tatiana Popova was given Honorable Medal for development of homeopathy at the International Congress in Mexico in 1990. Besides, she was honoured with Saint Olga Order of the Third Class (Ukrainian government award) in 2007.
Dr Popova efficiently popularized homeopathy and founded post graduated Homeopathic School for the doctors. She is the author of many books on homeopathy. One of them “Homeopathic Essays” became “a homeopathic bestseller”, translated and published in Russia, France, Czech Republic and Germany.

P1060683_editedDemian V. Popov’s theoretical heritage and enormous activities of the new generation Ukrainian homeopaths under the direct leadership of Tatiana Popova have led to the foundation a unique homeopathic trend “The Kiev Homeopathic School” with its own theoretical principles, the most important of which are using of high potencies, finding remedies on the base of Materia Medica, a case taking in according with totality of symptoms (including objective medical tests), treatment tactics in dependence on the drug aggravation and prognosis of a disease.          
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1 комментарий к записи “HISTORY: Tatiana D. Popova”

  1. Юрий Юсов says:

    КИЕВСКАЯ ШКОЛА ГОМЕОПАТИИ – Татьяна Демьяновна – патриот Украины!

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