Homeopathy in Ukraine in the pre-revolutionary period
In the late XIX – early XX century in Ukraine already existed homeopathic society – in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Poltava, Chernigov, Yalta and Feodosiya. Published homeopathic journal “Bulletin of homeopathic medicine” (1900-1913). Established homeopathic pharmacy, first in Kiev (1888), then in Odessa and Kharkiv. Functioned outpatent clinic, there were sme attempts of the organization of homeopathic hospitals. Refer primarily to the story about the personalities (because they make history). Significant figures in Ukrainian homeopathy pre-revolutionary period were I.M. Lutsenko and E.Ya. Dyukov.
Ivan Mitrofanovich Lutsenko (1863-1919), ukainian physician, public, political and military leader. He was born in the village of Kabelovna Pyryatyn district of the Poltava province, in a noble family. Lutsenko graduated from high school in the city of Lubny and entered the physical–mathematical faculty (natural sciences department) of the St. Petersburg Imperial University, after which immediately began teaching at the Imperial St. Petersburg military medical academy. In 1891 Ivan Mitrofanovich received a diploma with honors. He was appointed assistant physician in the 55th infantry Podolsk regiment in Bender. In 1983 he defended his doctoral thesis (MD) on the study of night blindness (hemeralopia). After retiring with the rank of court counselor, Lutsenko settled in Odessa and begins a private homeopathic practice. In 1984 he was elected Chairman of the Odessa society of homoeopathic followers. In the 1895-99 Ivan Mitrofanovich was actively collaborated with the St. Petersburg journal “Physician-homeopath“, translated well-known work by E. Farrington about homeopathic pharmacodynamics. After the internal conflict and division of the Odessa homeopathic society, with the formation of the new group – Odessa Hahnemann’s society (1898) Lutsenko was elected its Secretary and Treasurer, and head of the outpatient clinic (Kherson street). The outpatients clinic for the first year visited by 884 patients, and the budget amounted 3996 rubles 51 kopecks (the price of Lutsenko consultation was only 30 kopecks, many patients he consulted free of charge). 1903 and 1904 Ivan Mitrofanovich was editor of the Ukrainian journal “Bulletin of homeopathic medicine” (before 1903 and 1909-1913, the editor was E.Ya. Dyukov, 1905-1908 years journal was not published because lack of funds). Ivan Mitrofanovich was the author of numerous articles and a separate printed brochures on various issues about homeopathic practice and pharmacy. He took an active part in the First All-Russian Congress of the followers of homeopathy (1913), was elected its Secretary and has made several presentations: “What do we need? Until a future Congress of the followers of homeopathy”, “The high dilutions of homeopathic medicines on the background of modern scientific data,” “Treatment of cancer”, “What we shall do to arrange the homeopathic courses for doctors and paramedics”.
Lutsenko was an ardent supporter of homeopathy, he gained considerable popularity among locals. At the same time, he was an organizer and active participant of the Odessa cultural society “Enlightenment”, which promoted ideas of Ukrainian heritage: identity, language and statehood. Ivan Mitrofanovich Lutsenko was elected Deputy of the city Soviet of people’s deputies from the Ukrainian democratic party (1905), was a co-founder of “the Odessa literary Union.” He’d dealt with famous Ukrainian artists – Mikhail Kotsyubinsky, Ivan Franko, Ivan Nechui-Levitsky, Nicholay Vorony, Ivan Lipa. In 1917 Lutsenko was elected Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian party of socialists (Ukrainian people’s party). Soon he became a member of the Central Council, a member of the Ukrainian General Military Committee, which creates in Odessa Ukrainian Military Kosh (a local military unit). He was elected by the General Cornet of Free Cossacks (1917). During the uprising against the Hetman Lutsenko was the head of the civil administration of Taurian area. When the power in Ukraine has moved to the Directory – became commander of the military detachment. Lutsenko was killed in a battle against the Bolshevik army near the station Antonina in Khmelnytsky oblast in the summer of 1919. Used publications: К.К. Васильєв: Іван Мітрофанович Луценко. Український гомеопатичний щорічник, Том VI, Одеса 2003, с.42-45; Г.Д. Зленко, О.П. Мощич: Видатні особистості історії (Іван Мітрофанович Луценко – доктор медицини, гомеопат, державний діяч). Український гомеопатичний щорічник, Том VI, Одеса 2003, с.45-48.
Evgraf Yakovich Dyukov (1863-29.01.1943), received the degree Doctor of Medicine in 1886. In 1887-1890, he worked as a freelance physician at the ophthalmologic clinic of Kharkiv Imperial University. In 1894 the Dyukov was invited by Kharkiv homeopathic society to the position of resident physician. A year later, he was appointed head of the outpatient homeopathic clinic, due the funds of the Kharkiv homeopathic society and the City administration, when Charkiv city Duma gave permission for the opening homeopathic hospital. At the same time Yevgraf Yakovich had a private practice (until 1903) to the follow address: Ekaterinoslavskaya street, 36. In addition to medical practice Dyukov was actively engaged in the promotion of homeopathic treatment. In 1900-1902, he edited and published in Kharkiv “Bulletin of homeopathic medicine”, wrote pamphlets and articles, in particular he is the translator of a famous textbook on homeopathy by E.B. Nash. In 1903-1904 Evgraf Yakovich worked as the free practice physician in Khorol, Poltava province, than in the years 1905-1909 Dyukov returned to Kharkiv as a homeopath (practiced at the address: Mikolaevskaya street, 20). In 1910 Dyukov again moved in Khorol, where he works as a doctor in Khorol school. In 1909-1911 in Khorol and Sumy he continued to print the “Bulletin of homeopathic medicine”. During the First All-Russian Congress of the followers of homeopathy in St. Petersburg (1913) Yevgraf Yakovich was elected its Secretary. 1914 the Dyukov finally moved to Kharkov and worked here until the end of his life, being the most famous and reputable homeopath. It is known that in 1927 he worked to the Voznesenskaya street, 9; in 1933 – to the address: Mostievskaya sreet, 42. Used article: Ю.В. Зеленін: Перші кроки гомеопатії на теренах теперішньої України. Метод та долі. Збірник доповідей VІ з’їзду гомеопатів України, Київ, 2012, с.163-172.
To be continued…