I’m going to talk about the extension of homeopathic paradigm, commonly viewed as one concerning with bodily and mental healing only. In actual fact the homeopathy does more than that.
There is sufficient evidence in my practice to assume that the homeopathic paradigm is not confined to bodily healing, with a patient regaining his physical health, it extends to a patient sustaining vitality – both his physical and mental fitness.
Vitality is defined as “abundant” physical and mental energy usually combined with a joyous approach to situations and activities. Sustaining vitality can, therefore, be described as fitting the mind to a new, positive way of thinking and seeing the world. The consistently conducted survive of the effects of homeopathic treatment confirm the assumption.
Patients self-reported noticeable positive changes in their lives and financial status, such as mended relations with the folks, friends, business and sex partners; emergence of new interests, hobbies, ideas – zest for life.
“A change in life” is not synonymous with “healing” in the commonly accepted meaning of the term. Thus we can conclude that homeopathy helps to channel a patient’s mind and “balances” the mind and body. There over, it gives an opportunity to identify oneself. This means acting with your natural inclinations, in which it is the right inner compass leading one out of life’s maze. For a variety of causes, many people tend to choose wrong roads in life. Exposed to multiple influences: parental, social, religious, political, assailed by fears and doubts, frustrated by failures to attain goals, people tend to develop destructive habits like alcohol or drug abuse.
An appropriate homeopathic prescription is then the best assistance. In this discourse, we are talking about constitutional remedy. It does more than just ending physical suffering or giving psychological comfort – homeopathic remedy triggers one’s vitality. The physical and mental symptoms of pathogeneses present in most homeopathic medicines can serve as stepping-stones for discovering still insufficiently investigated human capacities and, ultimately, for determining one’s predestination. The use of term “predestination” is not “spiritual” or “religious”. Predestination does not mean “fate”, “karma”, or “mission”. It is important for me to emphasize that predestination is a normal part of life. Predestination is what keeps everything going. It is what generates the motivation to live, to create, to love, to explore and to fulfill.
At this point, it would be well to call the definition of vitality outlined by Hahnemann (Organon aphorism §9). According to him, vital force creates preconditions in order to our “… indwelling, reason-gifted mind to freely employ this living, healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence”. It is obvious that “higher purposes of our existence” are comparable with our destiny and predestination. A similar concept underlies logotherapy – psychological science, based by Viktor Frankl. In his view, the primary motivational force of an individual is to find a meaning in life.
Our destination creates a field around our life (which psychically sensitive people can feel as auras). A man’s occupation is a template for our imagination and its manifestation. The ease with which vital energy flows through our body determines the way we expose ourselves to the world. When we get stuck in a particular stance or attitude to life, the vital energy is blocked and stagnant. A wrongly chosen profession or career manifests this stagnation. Some people forced by circumstances to take jobs, which are considered prestigious or lucrative, but they dislike the chosen path. Being happy is for most of us one of the key aims in life. But we often go wrong in figuring out which path to take to achieve happiness.
In the areas where neither psychology nor psychiatry can detect pathology, homeopathy reveals this deviation by linking it with one’s daily happenings. This is because unfortunate events and wrong predestination signify disease, while fortunate events and the right life’s path signal health.
I believe that, in perspective, homeopathic pathogeneses, besides the physical and mental symptoms, should include information about the patient’s lifestyle and predestination.
Here are a few examples by way of illustration.
A certain musician suffering from mycosis of nails came to seek counsel about it. He complained about his bad luck – his life was hell, all things had gone wrong: he took to drinking, was dismissed from work, divorced his wife, tried some business but went bankrupt. After taking Staphisagria 200C however, his life took a turn for the better. The effect of prescription was amazing: he took to up religion, married anew, resumed his job as a musician – he was alive again, enjoying life. Mycosis of nails improved but a slight through.
Another case: a poet came to a consultation with complaints of psoriasis and about her misfortune. Her publishers did not publish her poems; her Charity Fund stopped receiving money. She broke communication with many people because of her skin disorders. After having a prescription the Pulsatilla 1M things unexpectedly changed: her poems got printed, new investors started to support the Fund, and the old friends returned to her. Again, there was no improvement with psoriasis.
Another patient, an engineer, turned to homeopathy with complains about stomach ulcers and depression. The effect of Nux vomica 1M prescribed him was also unexpected. He quit his well-paid job and joined a crew of sailors working on a ship. The patient confessed that he had dreamed about the sea all his life. His stomach ceased to bother him, depression did not recur.
Still another patient, a businessman came to a consultation complaining of hypertension and a feeling of sadness. After taken the Aurum metallicum 1M prescribed him, the patient suddenly made up his mind to change his life completely. He moved from Ukraine to Africa, started to work in a gold mine. Although he still has some business troubles his blood pressure stabilized, he enjoyed a new burst of life.
An allopathic physician who was afflicted with chronic nephritis asked me for help. He had some serious mental disorders – he was dissatisfied with his medical occupation, but had no idea of how to change his life. He was too worried about kidney’s disease. After taking the homeopathic treatment prescribed him Mercurius solubilis 200C, the kidney’s function was stabilized. His spirits raze, he abandoned medical practice, took up easel painting, staged a studio in the attic of his house and eventually became a rather successful artist.
Unfortunately, such facts are not recognized by medical statistics, because they cannot be scientifically proved. The double blind research is inapplicable here in view of the immense variety of human destinies.
At the beginning of my homeopathic career, 30 years ago, I had no idea that homeopathy is empowered to change the lives of patients. I thought that it was able to treat mental problems only. But the action of homeopathy is much more significant than merely treating one’s mind.
One of the goals of homeopathic treatment is a clear comprehension of one’s life’s purpose, predestination and intentionality, which all together contribute to the feeling that life is meaningful. A healthy life induces such important stimuli as strong motivation, dedication to one’s cause and life values.
The matter of fact, the awareness of one’s predestination pushes many somatic disorders into the background. What is more, the ability to disregard painful symptoms is in itself a symptom of happiness, when the outcome of treatment can be viewed as successful.
To sum up, we can deduce that homeopathy helps to channel a patient’s mind along the path destines for him. It gives an opportunity to identify oneself, to act in line with one’s natural inclination, in other words, to be true to oneself.
In conclusion I feel inclined to quote Shakespeare’s famous phrase which echoes the main idea of this report: “This above all, to thine own self be true”.
1) Organon of Medicine 6th edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. New Delhi 110 055. 1921. ISBN 81-7021-085-2.
2) Man’s Search for Meaning. An Introduction to Logotherapy. Beacon Press, Boston, MA, 2006. ISBN 978-0-8070-1427-1.